Wednesday, June 16, 2010

High Crimes on the High Seas

Israel Faces Down International Thuggery

Part one

I waited to publish this post because I wanted the typical news cycle to fade, as I suspected that the initial salvo of two runs at the Gaza blockade was just the beginning. My desire was to comment on the full breadth of the situation in order to maintain an order of fairness and balance. While I was puzzled when there were no other attempted incursions, it came as no surprise that as I write this article, Iran has ratcheted up its intention to “escort aid ships” into the Port of Gaza.

Imagine you inherit a home from a wealthy relative who promised the home for as long as you can remember. In fact, he also promised this home to your father and his father before him. Now, imagine that you have moved into your newly inherited home, and as you are hard at work, organizing your home, there is a knock at the door. You rushed excitedly to see who is there-it could be one of your new neighbors welcoming you to the neighborhood; then you discover that while you were correct about it being a neighbor, your were dead wrong about them welcoming you to the neighborhood. Instead of a neighborly welcome, you are pelted with rocks, told to leave because you have no claim to the house or the land. What is worse, your home is routinely fire bombed and a number of your children killed. Pretty ridiculous would you not say? Well, such is the case with Israel. As evidenced by GOD’s promise, Israel is obliged to protect and defend its homeland.

Exodus 13:11 "After the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanites and gives it to you, as he promised on oath to you and your forefathers…”

Recently, the news media have been abuzz with reports of “aid ships” headed to the Port of Gaza claiming to carry “humanitarian aid” to the Palestinians. What many of these news reports failed to mention is the fact that the naval blockade in question has been in effect since 2006. The result of a military action, the [2006] blockade was an attempt by the Israelis to stem the flow of heavy arms (most notably rockets) that were being used to bombard Israel on a daily basis.

Also missing from news reports was an explanation of “why now? Did the Palestinians suddenly run out of food and critical supplies? Did the Israelis suddenly decide to start blocking aid? The obvious answer is NO!

To suddenly focus world attention on a four-year-old blockade smacks of politics; the kind of politics that hopes to shape public opinion against the [chosen] enemy, Israel. It came as no surprise then, to discover that many of the so called humanitarians aboard these ships are known anti-Semitic agitators. These are individuals who have committed their lives to working towards the eradication of Israel. Keep in mind that three of the four nations that share a border with Israel have stated publically their desire to wipe Israel from the map. The fourth neighbor, Lebanon is largely toothless militarily; however, Lebanon has been overrun by Hamas—a wildly idealistic terrorist organization—with the backing of Iran.

Now, you might be wondering why you should care about a conflict that is centuries old; a conflict between individuals who seem not to want a solution. The Bible is clear about the fate of the enemies of Israel; it is therefore, incumbent upon people of faith to stand in support of Israel—the earthly home of the Messiah. In spite of our theological differences, Christians and Jews [for the most part] serve the same GOD. For practicing Christians who know that our Messiah was Jewish, why then, would we not stand with the Jews? The Bible is clear on the role of the Jewish nation in the fulfillment of prophecy.

In answer to the question of why now? Israel’s enemies have been emboldened by the public alienation by the United States. Arguably Israel’s strongest ally—and quite possibly its only ally—by making it clear to Israel’s enemies that we cannot be counted upon in times of need, the US has signaled open-season on Israel. The Obama administration has ushered in a drastic shift in US/Israel relations. In fact, President Obama has, on numerous occasions, gone out of his way to affront the Israeli President, Benjamin Netanyahu. Most recently, during Mr. Netanyahu’s May visit to the Whitehouse, Mr. Obama publically refused to pose for pictures with Mr. Netanyahu—breaking with standing State protocol. What is worse, Mr. Obama showed up for the official State Luncheon with the Israeli delegation, only to tell Mr. Netanyahu that he should make other arrangements for lunch. Has the US suddenly joined the ranks of Israel’s enemies? Have we now abandoned the only functioning democratic nation in the region? If the answer to any of these questions is anything other than an emphatic NO, then we [the US] have certainly lost our way. Yet again, the bible is clear on this matter:

Matthew 12:30 "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.”

In the world of geopolitics, as in the social realm, integrity, character and trustworthiness are essential traits. The Obama Administration signaled its position on Israel long before the 2008 presidential election, so it comes as no surprise to me that the President would go out of his way to publically distance himself from Mr. Netanyahu.

True to his character though, Mr. Netanyahu took these affronts with a dignity befitting the Jewish people—a people not unaccustomed to adversity. One could argue that Netanyahu’s poise is bolstered by the knowledge that GOD’s will, would prevail.

Now, the United Nations (UN) has waded in with its usual condemnation of Israel and calls for an investigation. It is shamefully obvious that the UN, like Israel’s neighbors believes Israel should not exist. Worst still, the Obama administration has indicated its intent to support Israel’s reprimand in this corrupt body.

It is time for Believers everywhere to stand in support of Israel and for Israel’s right to defend itself. Failure to do anything less would betray our Messiah, Jesus Christ, a Jew by birth.

1 comment:

  1. hi. We are the two Israely passengers you took to the airport on the 6/19 . We were deeply impressed by your ideas and opinions and share most of them.We took the time and read your blog and found it very interesting. We would like to strengthen your hands.We wish there were more people like you because then Israel would be looked at ,in different and more possitive ways. May god bless you and we wish you all the best.


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