Thursday, July 15, 2010

Epilogue to High Crimes on the High Seas Part I

I have come to expect politicians (especially those of the Washington, DC variety) to flip-flop on just about any issue without warning. In fact, I am often suspicious of Pols who do not do an about-turn, from time-to-time—especially in the age of instant poll results and active constituent involvement. I was not surprised, therefore, when President Barack Obama made such an about-face in his treatment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Compared with his last visit to the White House, Mr. Netanyahu met a different Barack Obama; I would even go as far as saying: Mr. Obama and the First Lady were civil to the Netanyahus, and by all appearances, treated them with the respect they deserve.

Why the sudden change of heart? Has Mr. Obama’s position on Israel suddenly change in the several weeks since Mr. Netanyahu’s last White House visit? Well, in keeping with political tradition, the answer to these questions is a profound NO! Make no mistake; Mr. Obama is as shrewd a politician as there ever was; every move [no matter how subtle] is carefully planned. What did change in the President’s views on Israel has nothing to do with the Gaza Blockade, nor does it concern Israel’s “treatment of the Palestinians.” It has everything to do with money. You see, the reality of the Democrat’s reliance on wealthy [American] Jews for fund raising is Mr. Obama’s primary focus, this time around.

I am convinced that President Obama’s position on Israel has not changed; not even to the slightest degree. Mr. Obama still views Israel as a pariah, and one that must be stopped and dealt with accordingly. In his own calculating way, Mr. Obama feels justified with his public condemnation of Israel, while at the same time relying on American Jews to help fund his mission to reduce their homeland down to size. The United States is morally obligated to stand by Israel and to protect and defend her sovereignty. Israel has withstood the front-line assault of America’s enemies in protection of our oil interests. Mr. Obama’s ideological position requires him to smash all such alliances, all in the name of portraying the right image to presumed new friends.

I wonder whether those who elected Mr. Obama, believe they are getting what they were promised. Irrespective of those promises, Mr. Obama’s handling of recent events with Israel serve only to highlight his foreign policy experience. The abandonment of Israel is reckless, and does not bode well for America’s strategic interests in the region. At this pace, the US would be out of allies well before the end of Mr. Obama’s term in office.

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